Business Ethics
1. Financial responsibility
Suppliers shall comply with the law in force on its financial responsibility and to take all measures in the event of any deviation.
2. Trade
Suppliers shall comply with all applicable export control, customs, tax, and foreign trade regulations, including, without limitation, sanctions, embargoes and other applicable laws, regulations, government orders and policies. controlling the transmission or shipment of goods, technology, and payments.
3. Fraud and money laundering
Suppliers shall take the appropriate measures to prevent any form of fraud and fight against money laundering or any other illegal activity (for example the financing of illicit activity and reprehensible by law).
4. Corruption & Bribery
Suppliers shall prevent and fight all forms of corruption, bribery, extortion, and improper advantage and comply with all applicable laws pertaining to these issues.
5. Fair Business Competition and Anti-Trust
Suppliers shall strive for fair business practices, and in any case, suppliers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to fair competition.
Suppliers must not fix prices or rig bids with their competitors. They must not exchange current, recent, or future pricing information with competitors. Suppliers must refrain from participating in a cartel.
6. Conflict of Interest
Suppliers are expected to avoid all conflicts of interest, or situations giving the appearance of a potential conflict of interest.
Suppliers are expected to provide notification to all affected parties if an actual or potential conflict of interest arises.
This includes a conflict between the interests of Eurostyle Systems and personal interests or those of close relatives, friends, or associates.
7. Privacy, Intellectual property & Data Protection
The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA).
It also addresses the transfer of personal data outside the EU and EEA areas.
The GDPR’s primary aim is to enhance individuals’ control and rights over their personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment for international business. It contains provisions and requirements related to the processing of personal data of individuals (formally called data subjects in the GDPR) who are located in the EEA and applies to any enterprise—regardless of its location and the data subjects’ citizenship or residence—that is processing the personal information of individuals inside the EEA.
Supplier shall comply with the GDPR regulation or any applicable data privacy laws.
Suppliers must protect the confidential and proprietary information of others, including personal information, from unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification, and disclosure, through appropriate physical and electronic security procedures.
This includes trade and industrial secrets as well as all other information confidential. This information must be appropriately protected against disclosure to third parties.
Suppliers are encouraged to comply with ISO/IEC 27001.
8. Counterfeits and forgery
Suppliers are expected to implement and maintain methods and processes appropriate to the products and services, to manage the risk of introducing counterfeit parts and materials into the production of the products.
9. Whistleblowing dispositions & Whistleblower Protection
Suppliers are expected to provide their employees with avenues for raising legal or ethical issues or concerns without fear of retaliation. Suppliers are also expected to take action to prevent, detect, and correct any retaliatory actions.
10. Human development and training
Suppliers are expected to provide all workers at all stages of their work experience with access to skills development, training, apprenticeships, and opportunities for career advancement, on an equal and non-discriminatory basis, and ensure that, when necessary, workers being made redundant are helped to access assistance for new employment, training, and counselling.
Suppliers are encouraged to establish joint labor-management programs that promote health and well-being.
11. Compliance and risk management
Suppliers shall have processes to measure and effectively monitor and verify compliance with this Code of Conduct.
This includes measures such as retention of documentation, proof of training and sensitization to the employees, and proof of staff involvement.
Suppliers are encouraged to deploy a risk management tool on the topics mentioned above.
As indicated in the introduction, suppliers shall pass these requirements down the supply chain.
Eurostyle Systems reserves itself the right to audit compliance to this code of conduct.