
Purchasing Sustainability Policy

At Eurostyle Systems we are committed to conducting our purchasing activities in an ethical manner that aligns with our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. We
recognize the significant impact our purchasing decisions can have on the well-being of workers, the environment, society, and the overall well-being of our stakeholders.
In line with our commitments, Eurostyle Systems purchasing department is working to define priorities and implement its own sustainability management system. We are adapting our workflow
to reflect our commitments in all purchasing decisions, to communicate with suppliers about our requirements, and prepare the information requested by law and our stakeholders for Eurostyle
Systems other departments. Therefore, we have established the following sustainability policy for purchasing.
This document will be revised at least every 3 year, and, with a mindset of continuous improvement, we will track these targets monthly.
The scope of these commitments is the Bill of Material (BOM) products, excluding spare parts, single use packaging and prototypes.
We aim to extend this scope with completed and/or adjusted targets:
• By 2027 to indirect purchase and capital expenditure
• By 2030 for general purchase, and BOM single use packaging.
On the topic of how we conduct business:
• To deepen our understanding of the risks in our business field, we will implement a materiality map by 2025.
• We will train our teams on the topic of product life cycle accounting for greenhouse gases, with the aim of improving our skills in comparing suppliers by 2025.
• We will implement a supplier risk assessment before sourcing by 2027 (i.e., before the supplier is on our panel). This information will be reviewed at each nomination
• The assessment will cover at least the topics of business ethics, environment, and health and safety topics.
• To better understand the context in which our suppliers operate and identify shop floor risks in their locations, we will perform an in-person visit or audit at the supplier’s
location at least every 5 years, for at least 85% of our suppliers by 2027.
On the topic of our requirements to our suppliers. We wish to work with responsible partners that share our commitments. Consequently, we aim to:
• Achieve a coverage of 70% of IATF certified suppliers by 2025.
• Achieve a coverage of 60% of ISO 14001 certified suppliers by 2027.
• Achieve a coverage of 40% of suppliers fulfilling a sustainability assessment by 2030.
• Achieve a coverage of 50% of suppliers that signed our code of conduct, or that provided an equivalent commitment.
• We will update our supplier evaluation by 2025 to account for these topics.
I, Karim Houari, Purchasing Director of Eurostyle Systems, therefore delegate the responsibility of achieving these targets to my department managers.
This sustainability policy for purchasing will guide our decision-making process and influence our choice of suppliers, products, and services.
By integrating sustainability into our purchasing practices, we are committed to creating a positive impact on the environment and society while promoting long-term business success.

Purchasing Director
Eurostyle Systems