As part of an innovative, creative, dynamic, and festive season under the emblem of design, Eurostyle Systems is organizing the third edition of its Tech Week from September 20 to 22, 2022 in Würzburg (Germany).
This year’s Tech Week will take place at the University of Applied Sciences in Würzburg, where the Röntgen Memorial is located. This historical place honors the work of German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen and his discovery of the X-ray with an exhibition of original devices and instruments and historical documents.
Eurostyle Systems is working on the synergies between our teams, which is reflected in the joint work between the German and French teams of our Tech Centers.
Thus, during this public exhibition, Eurostyle Systems revealed its innovative solutions for the automobile of tomorrow.
Eurostyle Systems contributes to the design and development of the car of tomorrow through targeted innovation in five areas:
– Weight reduction
– comfort
– design & quality
– safety
– green materials
For Isabelle Valentin – CTO Eurostyle Systems – „Design is above all about telling a story and creating an emotion when you see or touch the object. Design is a lever to incite new visions, to propose new materials, rather ecological, lighter, more intelligent (smart surfaces) to have for the future, vehicles more respectful of the environment. The formal language of design mixes new technologies, the mastery of volumes and the play of light to conceive the interior of vehicles, because design is omnipresent through its style, the materials used, the embedded technology, the perceived quality and the comfort felt to propose more eco-responsible products tomorrow”.
That’s quite a program!
Back in photos from this week dedicated to Design and Innovation