CSR Policy
As an automotive supplier, we play a prominent role in environmental considerations. Especially now that many people have woken up to the fact that our resources are not inexhaustible.
Every individual now bears some responsibility for the world we leave to our children. All the more so for those who contribute to the production of goods that use fossil fuels.
This is why it seemed useful to us to define and write down our principles, our actions, and the values that make us a “CSR” company.
In short…
This means, first of all, that we must comply with the regulations applicable in each country where we do business. Secondly, environmental considerations are a priority. We have already taken these into account by undertaking ISO 14001 certifications.
Improving our working conditions by means of better communication tools is another key factor in reducing our carbon footprint. Finally, our culture of compromise — founded on listening and dialogue — exemplifies the case of a CSR company for our sector.